Spank the Monkey Lends a Hand
Season 1--Book 3
"Spank the Monkey will not expose the thoughts that you fold and unfold and refold over and over in your mind...He will only whisper his sweet song of deliverance."
--Zackary Maughan
Inspired by several hundred true stories...and counting. Bimisi Tayanita says it all, without saying much of anything. If you are not choking on laughter midway through this book, don’t bother with books 4 and 5...maybe this isn’t for you.
We can part ways now and still be friends.
"Spank the Monkey Lends a Hand" is a fun and light hearted story that everybody can relate to, except for you of have no idea what everybody is laughing about (wink, wink).
“Spank the Monkey Lends a Hand” is the third of five books that make up Season One.
You know a kid’s book is funny when you are still laughing days after reading it!
This book is pure comedic genius!
I feel like I should ask if Spank the Monkey Lends a Hand is a children’s book about masturbation...Then I think “Hell no, I am not going to ask that!”
The double meaning of everything is so clever! Spank the Monkey Lends a hand is an amazingly funny bedtime story!
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Nobody Wants Just One Reach Around...Get Them All!

What our readers have to say... |
My sides hurt from laughing so hard. The blue beach balls on page 1 clued me in on how funny this was going to be... --Zander Bimisi, what is your phone number? Spank is everyone’s best friend that they don’t like to talk about! I love how this bedtime book illustrates just how helpful he is! --Zack Kid's book? Sure, why not...? You know a kid’s book is funny when you are still laughing days after reading it! --Samantha Is there a Spank fan club? My friends and I want to know where we can get Spank the Monkey t-shirts. --Chantelle Dos Manos! I celebrate Spank the Monkey and the hand he lends. --Javier This book is pure comedic genius! I feel like I should ask if Spank the Monkey Lends a Hand is a children’s book about masterbation...
--Neiko is YOU who has the dirty mind! What makes it so controversial is the fact that nothing about this children’s book is inappropriate, if you think it is offensive, it is YOU who has the dirty mind!
--Kenneth I had to read it twice... The pictures keep it innocent but the words make you shake your head with laughter!”
--Colleen Try to get through this book without crying... I like to have my friends drink something as they read this classic children’s book, watching it come out of their nose is almost as funny as the books!”
--Pibber "Very sly Bimise, very sly! Annie dims the lights and makes sure the door is locked, then Spank the Monkey oils her flute and puts it in her box!!!
--Annie The characters in this book are the best. I worked with Vinnie...He DID spend a lot of time in the pantry!
--Maxwell I love this book! It doesn't matter what is is how you interpret it! I love this book! --Angela Way better than Go the F**k to Sleep I read it at work in my cubicle while trying not to laugh...before long I had a crowd wondering what in the Hell was so funny! --Scott This book is way too funny Hilarious…I got a hard copy….get it, I said hard. --Tim World’s best white elephant gift Reach Around Books are hilarious. The underlying meanings are powerful. You could read this to children and they would have no clue. --Dan The double meaning sneaks up on you... A perfectly clean story. You should read this in church and see who has the dirty mind. --Frank I thought I was going to pass out! It took me forever to get through the book. --Greg I love spank. We are regular buds. Very funny. Great joke gift! --Roland Hilarious children’s book An excellently crafted book and very funny. --Albert Kid’s book? Sure, why not? Great fun and still appropriate for kids! --Sally Freakin’ funny kid’s book I read this when I need a laugh!...Probably 500 times already and it is still freakin’ funny! --Alvin Irreverent Was the number one choice at the office gag gift exchange for the Holidays. --Pamela Very witty humor! It's written an illustrated like a children's book, but be warned, it is NOT a kid's book. --Kelly I love this book The people who think this is actually a children's book are just as oblivious as the kids they are reading it to! --Julie Got the next ten baby showers covered! Got this for my co-worker, who just became a parent. He bought 10 copies and is set to give them to the next 10 people in his life who have a baby. --Tony Funniest “children’s book” ever written! I have begun collecting funny "children's books" and this is the centerpiece of my collection, absolutely the best book printed to date! SO FUNNY! --Jesus Very funny kid’s book/gag gift I was unable to continue reading it aloud to my friends it was so funny. It is made as a parody of a child’s book for adults. --Brandon Well played Such an awfully good book you could read it to them until your baby learns the urban dictionary, then your parenting responsibilities are pretty much over anyways. --Virginia Funniest book I’ve seen to date This is for your inner 12 year old...who is laughing so hard milk is spraying out your nose. --David That’s what she said! If you can't make it through a conversation without blurting out "that's what she said!"...then you need your very own copy of this book. --Kevin I want my money back! If you are overly obsessed with 'political correctness' you should buy this book and then try to return it... --Angry customer, with emotional support animal in tow What will they think of next?!?! This is a tongue-in-cheek adult book. It will make you laugh out loud. Highly recommended. --Randolph Hilarious children’s book Everyone I show this to laughs HARD...not just, “yeah, that’s funny”...I am talking TEARS of laughter! Will be purchasing more as I fully intend to give to parents at baby showers. Christine Children’s literature at its finest With my twisted sense of humor, found it totally hysterical and a great way to kill boredom. --Samantha A fantastic new twist on “story time” It amazing how context can give a whole new meanings to what is written...Funniest thing ever. These guys are going to sell a million copies. --Erica Excellent wedding shower present Perfect for anybody with a sense of humor and a appreciation for some good sexual innuendo. --Millie Irreverently funny! My husband absolutely loves these books. The fact that you can get away with something so offensive and funny at work makes him an evil little imp. Perfect for anybody with that sense of humor. --Debra Super funny!!! I bought it for my sister who is expecting, her name is Annie she died when she got to the end an “Annie” was one of the characters that Spank the Monkey helps out. --Patrick Finally, the perfect baby shower present Makes a great baby shower gift! Funny and cute! --Tricia Bathroom humor in a perfectly innocent package! Got this as a joke for my husband, vulgar as all get out and completely innocent at the same time. He likes to leave it out when grandparents and/or babysitter are coming around. --Jamie Delightful Absolutely hilarious - so witty and funny! --Maria Funniest book on the planet It was a gift from my best friend, and it was a party hit for everyone with a dirty mind to enjoy. --Elana |